Вчера гуляли с данте Каэтана. Говорили о многом, в том числи о моментах в нашей жизни за которые нам стыдно. На эту тему у меня есть беловатый стишок. Конечно ритм и рифма не выдержаны, но я написала это следующим утром - просто вылила все на бумагу. я не умею писать стихи, вообще - то.

The sofa, the kisses, your hands and my thighs
Your belt and "not really", my shoes and my thights
My ear, your nose, my neck and your chest,
All covered in kisses, - hotel room in a mess.

Your kisses so sweet
And skin so smooth
The bed is so comfy
Your alarm is on snooze.

But then you hurt me
No, not that way -
My feelings, my hopes
I had nothing to say.

You put your shirt on
Found your shoes
It was like a movie
And you had nothing to loose.

I sat by the door
I was going to cry
I thought you'd come back
But you never showed up.