Where should start?
With the fact that i've been so stupid for 2 years liking someone who WASN'T worth it
or with the fact that it's over.
DONT CRY BECAUSE IT ENDED, SMILE BECAUSE IT WAS is the thought in my head right now.
how stupid and annoying. why. i guess i have to start from the beginig then.
читать дальшеAbout 3 years ago i went out with a guy i bearly knew. asctually the only thing i knew about him was his name.
Well, as you can probably can pridict it didn't end well at all.
He told everyone that we weren't going out but forgot to tell me. whatever. that was stupid. we were 13...
Next year i put into my head that i really like him. i don't know weather i just thought that since we went out and i jist need a boyfriend it can happen again.
For the next year and a half i've been telling myself that this is it, he is the person i need... i have to admitt. i though he was the one and only.... end of summer term last year we go party together and it happen to be that we stayed in the same hotel, same floore, rooms right opposite eachother.
after the perty we went to the hotel. I WAS NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING! i really kind of gave up and went with the flow.
We came into our room where my friend Vanessa and i were staying. Vanessa was hooking up with our friend who was at the party as well and that was our reason to actually leave the club: so that Vanessa and him have some privacy.
We came into our room, put some music on. I was watching my two friends passionatly kissing on our king sized bed.
I have to admitt i had drunk a lot but by this time my head was clearing up.
suddenly he hugged me and then kissed.
I was waiting for this for how long? A year and a half and there it was, happening.
im not going to go into all the details about how good the foreplay was but when he stated unbuttoning his pant, I flipped!
i could not lose it too someone i wasn't even going out with.
i screamed. and then he screamed.
he left.
i cried.
i made the right choice.
i was not going to sleep with him.
i am not a whore.
to be continued.
to be continued.
I got question to You:
After You have splitted with Him. What have got at now? Count all of coming ideas.
Waitin' in a raging feelin' of awatin' statement
i'm bakin' even maself as fell-nakin' instigator
i'm invader in this, i'm just waitin' 'at next saying
as laying-in-hide sniper waits another nape!