If God had a master plan.
Where should start?
With the fact that i've been so stupid for 2 years liking someone who WASN'T worth it
or with the fact that it's over.
DONT CRY BECAUSE IT ENDED, SMILE BECAUSE IT WAS is the thought in my head right now.
how stupid and annoying. why. i guess i have to start from the beginig then.

читать дальше
to be continued.

29.11.2007 в 23:47

It reads like some Intimate Novel. ) But It very good. A+.
I got question to You:
After You have splitted with Him. What have got at now? Count all of coming ideas.
30.11.2007 в 19:38

If God had a master plan.
Stanley Deviant wait till you hear the rest of the story. ill type it up soon.
02.12.2007 в 00:18

Waitin' in a raging feelin' of awatin' statement
i'm bakin' even maself as fell-nakin' instigator
i'm invader in this, i'm just waitin' 'at next saying
as laying-in-hide sniper waits another nape!

02.12.2007 в 10:40

А мне похуй, я фея и ниипёт!!!!
shumashechka i now its offtop, but you know i enjoy readin your diary, your english is cool,clear...)thanx 4 that, it's worth readin,even in a sake of learnin. Am lovin it
02.12.2007 в 14:11

If God had a master plan.
[Logan] im glad you like it....

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